Monday 11 May 2009

ET training

On Saturday I joined Edinburgh Triathletes for a bonza training session.

It all started with a gentle ride to their swimming pool in Dalkeith, 6.5 miles away. It is a gentle ride, just up hill most of the way!

The swim session went well. There were quite a lot of us in the lane so we did lots of 50m sets. It would have been a mess if we did anything different, we would have been annoying the hell out of each other trying to overtake.

After the swim we went straight out on to the bike. My training now involves my cycling as hard as I can and when I think I can't go any faster, to spin really quickly for 30 secs. I did this for 30km and my legs felt like mush from the start. Never fear, the bike was followed by a...

You guessed it, a run. 4 of us donned our trainer and went to a run. For my runs, I am supposed to run at race pace, for that distance, and when I get to 3/4 of the way round, I'm to put in 10 hill sprints. We had no hills where we were so I had to make do with flat sprints, but that didn't really work either. My legs felt like mush.

I was pretty pooped by the time I got back to my bike but I simple changed my shoes and headed home. The journey home is mostly down hill, apart from the hill out of Dalkeith. That nearly finished my legs off! Half way home the heavens opened. I mean properly opened. Oh well, I'm sure it would have done my legs good AND I was going home.

Great day!

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