Thursday, 22 October 2009


What does it mean to be committed to something?

Over the last few weeks, I have been told that I am lacking in commitment.  I am not totally sure if it is meant to be tongue in cheek or not.  It has got me thinking.

I have decided that I am committed to many things but each has its priority compared to the other and that order of priority changes when necessary.

My commitments as I see them, in no order:
  • Family.  What can I say?  They mean the world to me.  We are too far apart.  We are different.
  • Friends.  I believe in the saying that your friends are the family you chose.  I don't have many close friends but I wouldn't change those I have for the world.
  • Fireworks.  When I work on a fireworks display I feel like I can be myself, warts and all.  I feel valued and part of a team.  At times I can be feminine and at other times a work horse but always me.  Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is just plain horrible  but of course, you also get to blow stuff up!
  • Venture Scotland.  I am very loyal to my work and colleagues at Venture Scotland.  I am perhaps their biggest critic but I am also a staunch supporter.
  • Partner.  When in a relationship with someone, I seem to loose a bit of myself.  I become overly dependent on them.  I try to please them, do what I think is right for them.  This isn't always right for me.  Other times when I look after me, I feel guilty for having done so.  I have yet to find the right balance between time focused on my partner, time focused on us and time focused on me.  I live in hope that next time I get it right.
  • Myself.  I am a big critic of myself.  I don't accept praise nearly as well as I accept criticism.  I remember and dwell on the critics but seem unable to glory in praise.  I am always look out for self improvement.  None of us are so great that we can not be better.
Over the past seven months I have been much more focused on myself.  I am learning to look after number one. Doing the things I want to do.  I have not been the best Sister, Daughter or Aunt.  I have not been the best friend.  This does not sit well on me, I don't enjoy it and I feel guilty about it but it is needed.

As for lacking in commitment?  I don't think so.  Instead I over commit.  Try to please too many people, be in too many places, do too much stuff.  Not doing any of it as well as I would like.  I always end up upsetting other people, and myself, when the balance goes wrong.

It is time to step back and have a look around.  Re-prioritize.

1 comment:

Missy said...

Family and friends, without them, you've got??? Yeah, but you have to be happy with YOU before you can really extend to them as well. Sounds like you're spending time getting everything 'right.' Never easy...