Thursday, 10 September 2009

My summer of bangs is over... phew - part 3

After 4 weeks that included Antwerp 70.3, 11 hours a day for 3 weeks working on the Edinburgh Military Tattoo AND working at Venture Scotland, 2 weddings, a two day 1st aid course, a kayak session and a trip to Glentress mountain biking… I took a week off… And worked on the Bank of Scotland (BOS) end of festival firework concert! No rest for the wicked!

The BOS fireworks concert is the biggest fireworks display in Europe. It is choreographed to a live orchestra (Handel), contained 4.5 tonnes of gross fireworks and lasted for 45 minutes. I took 15 of us 7 days to set up, 45 minutes to fire and 4 hours to clean up after. There is also plenty of social life in the pub!
The fireworks cover the whole area that you can see in this photo, including down the ramparts on the right and in the bays that you can just about see on the left.

My role in this display started off rigging some of the 700 candles to 45 of the racks seen here.

The first three days went well. We had good weather and we got a lot of kit out. Unfortunately, it rained so hard on Thursday and Friday that the waterproofing started to fail… big time. I moved into the firework ‘1st aid’ tent. We had to bring in the kit that was soaking up the water, try to dry it, rebuild it where necessary, re waterproof it and put it back. This was hugely time consuming, not to mention dangerous and stressful.

Our good start to the week rapidly disappeared as we utilized every bit of daylight to do the 1st aid, wire it all and then test it all.

We got it all done in the end and here are the photo’s!

1 comment:

Missy said...

Amazing pictures! Wow, very cool.