I the last 3 weeks I have had approximately 7 issues with tubes, pumps and horrid little bits of glass that you need a microscope to see.

I have walked for litterally hours. I have spent hours changing and re changing and re changing.
This morning I was about to set out for a ride when I descovered I had a flat. I took it out, turned the tyre inside out, held it under the spot light. I pumped up the tube, patched the hole. Pumped it up again, checked for more holes. Put the whole lot back together again and .... A minute in to the ride the bike was feeling sluggish. Went home, checked the tyre pressure - 40 psi, down from 120 litrally minutes before. Now an hour later? Totally flat.
I don't know what to do. I am now scared of going out on my bike incase I get another puncture and I'm in the middle of nowhere.
I want to scream and cry and stamp my feet but I know it wont solve the problem. I just screamed in the shower, it hasn't helped and I'm now concerned the neighbours are going to call the police!Can anyone help me? Please?
1 comment:
Paste that link into your browser and check it out. There are some options to help puncture proof (or at least help) your tires. I wouldn't, personally, mess with gluing anything myself. I'd work with a bike shop. I'm just too afraid of screwing something up.
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