Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Week 1 of Ironman training!

I chuffed with my first week. It is a very easy start with 3 easy weight sessions to build up my capacity to more strength work at a later date, yoga for flexibility and dynoband work for my rotator cuff (a residual injury from my swimming days).

I went on a couple of bike rides, not counting my daily commute, of 10 miles and 27 miles. I did the 10 mile ride on Thursday as an extended commute. It was cold, wet and windy but it was great to be out!

Sunday's ride was a different story. I arose to find a cold, clear, sunny, windless day. Perfect! I wrapped up and headed out towards Longniddry, with a slight diversion for a wrong turn, then back along the coast. I don't think this picture quite does the day justice but I didn't want to stop too often because I too cold. An extra layer will be needed next time!

A great end to my first week!

Lows? The 6am starts are going to take a bit of getting used to.
Highs? I did all that I set out to achieve, I had a great bike ride on Sunday and I was motivated!

I'm going to try not to bore you here with the intricate details of my training plan, but I can't promise! You can see my full training plan on, if you email me for access.

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